Jillian Michaels Says Celebrating Lizzo's Body is Glorifying Obesity

Jillian Michaels appeared on Buzzfeed News' AM to DM today and got on the topic of Lizzo. Jillian says celbrating Lizzo's body is glorifying obesity. Jillian went on to say that it isn't going to be awesome if Lizzo gets diabetes.

Below is the full interview, skip to the 7:20 mark for when Jillian starts to go in on Lizzo.

I get that Jillian is concerned about health, we all should concerned about health no matter what our bodies look like, big or small, but can we can celebrate that we are able to see a body that is not a size 0 in the media? Can we just feel good about seeing someone who is beautiful enjoying life and isn't consumed by the pressure to be skinny? Yes, I get that health is important but I for one am happy to see Lizzo embrace her body because it's teaching me to embrace mine as well.

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